Friday, July 29, 2011

Travel with Kids Product Review: Similac® Insulated Bottle Carrier

This bottle carrier was the perfect size to fit in
our diaper bag.  
Of all the baby gear we have used in our travels, the Similac® Insulated Bottle Carrier receives top honors. It proved to be invaluable many times over.

My son was a hungry baby.  And he did not believe in schedules.  This made it very difficult to do much of anything without sustenance of some sort immediately available.  So, we began carting his filled bottles around so we were ready at any time.

We soon learned that not just any carrier would do.  We started with our insulated diaper bag, but found that the bottles would tip over and leak - leaving very little for our hungry boy - and resulting in some ugly episodes in public.  (There is nothing worse than a new mommy crying over spilt breast milk!)  

In my sleep-deprived stupor, I had completely forgotten about the free bottle carrier we received at the hospital as part of the Welcome Addition program from Similac® (now called Strong Moms).   It came with its own freezer pack and was the perfect size to hold two bottles and fit into the diaper bag securely enough that it wouldn't tip over and spill.  It continued to be work great even when my son moved on to sippy cups and regular milk so we toted our carrier around the globe for several years.
The carrier came with two ice-packs that fit in a
separate pocket from the bottles.  

I have seen the Similac® Insulated Bottle Carrier on Ebay for about $8 and also in thrift stores, but it isn't widely available.  JL Childress makes a similar Tall TwoCool 2 Bottle Cooler.

On a scale from 1 to 10, I rate the Similac® Insulated Bottle Carrier as a 10++.  Of course free is always wonderful, but the carrier was perfectly sized, easy to transport and came with two freezer packs so one could be left in the hotel to freeze while we were out for the day using the other.  The carrier let us travel with confidence knowing that no matter how far we were from our house or hotel room, we had something at hand to feed our starving boy!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Travel with Kids Product Review: Playtex™ Hip Hammock

I purchased a Playtex™ Hip Hammock® Child Carrier to use when my infant son was around 6 months old.  He was off the growth charts at around 3 months - exceeding the 95th percentile for weight - and I was struggling to carry him around without breaking my arm.  He had outgrown his other carriers and I was hopeful that we would find a suitable replacement.

The Directions for the Use of the Hip Hammock
are straightforward and easy to understand.    
So I went to Babies R Us and found the Playtex™ Hip Hammock® , which I promptly purchased and brought home.  One evening, while I was going from room to room straightening the house, my son tried to crawl after me crying, wanting to be held so he didn't get left behind.  I decided to give the Hip Hammock® a try.  I put it on, adjusting the belts as necessary, picked up my son and put the shoulder strap in place.  I continued my cleaning efforts with my son tagging along.  

I would love to say that this was the perfect solution, but I quickly found that it wasn't.  Although the Hip Hammock® did alleviate some of the strain of carrying a heavy child around, it made him lean forward at a very awkward angle.  I kept trying to help him lean back, adjusting the carrier and position of the straps, but nothing really worked.  Beyond that, sharp pains shot through my neck and my collarbone felt like it might break in two the longer I carried him around.  

Strangely, when I attempted to use the Hip Hammock® with my 2-year-old daughter it went much better.  I assume it worked because she was more able to hold herself upright than my son could at 6 months.  However, the neck and shoulder pain still occurred and we don't really use the carrier for her either.     

The Hip Hammock is a simple contraption designed
to use the hip and shoulder as anchors for the child's weight.   
It is interesting to note that as of this review, the Hip Hammock® is now only available through and not at major retailers like Target or Babies R Us.  There are obviously better choices out there.  For anyone who shops at consignment stores or on Ebay, my recommendation is to be sure there is a return policy, just in case.  It is also important to note that there was a recall in 2005 for model numbers 05300, 05301 and 05302.  

On a scale from 1 to 10, I would rate the Hip Hammock® a 4.  It was easy to use and adjust, it was lightweight and did free up my hands.  However, it held my son in an awkward position and caused pain in my neck and collarbone after a short period of use.     

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Travel with Kids Product Review: Munchkin® Formula Dispenser

One Thanksgiving as I was struggling to dig the scoop out of a canister of baby formula, my cousin casually mentioned that I needed a formula dispenser.  Having no idea what she meant, I just gave her a puzzled look and continued my excavation attempt.  A moment later, she produced a formula dispenser and kindly offered to let me keep it.

My current "formula" dispenser.
I was immediately hooked.  I am sure most parents probably discover things like this immediately upon registering for baby gifts, but I somehow missed this particular treasure in the feeding section.   It soon became as essential to our daily trips and extended travel as the diaper bag.  It solved my dilemma on whether to make the formula before we left the house or drag along a canister on daily trips and also allowed me to reduce loss of formula due to bottle leaks and powder explosions.

When my son turned one and quit drinking formula, it continued to keep its usefulness by holding powdered milk for those times when we were on a plane that didn't have milk (yes - it happened).  Even now, I use it to hold powdered milk and chocolate milk mix just in case.  It has served its purpose at restaurants that only have regular milk and also keeps my son from drinking that 1-inch layer of syrup that seems to come with chocolate milk that they do serve.  We just order regular milk and I mix it myself with my stash of powder.

There are many brands of formula dispensers and they all work and function similarly.  We use the Munchkin Powdered Formula Dispenser and have been happy with it.  Their latest version is even BPA free.  On a scale from 1 to 10, I would rank this product as a 10 for usefulness for travel and versatility.  

Friday, July 15, 2011

Travel with Kids Product Review: Eddie Bauer Infant Travel Bed

I purchased an Eddie Bauer Infant Travel Bed from Target on the recommendation of a friend who had used it to travel with her infant daughter to California.  Our daughters were both about 5 months old and I thought it sounded like a great idea and much easier to travel with than the pack-n-play we had been lugging around for years.  

The baby on the package looks happy - mind didn't! 
Although the bed has received high rankings in customer reviews posted online, it did not work well for us.  It was lightweight, and did fit easily in my suitcase - so it was portable and simple to assemble.  However, the problems started when I tried to get my daughter in it.  The bed and mattress are both covered in 100% polyester, the kind that makes a high-pitched whistling noise when a flailing arm or leg brushes against it.  Apparently this noise is extremely agitating for sleeping infant girls because mine immediately morphed into a terrified, yowling monster!  No matter how many blankets I covered it with, my daughter was just not sleeping in this thing.

In addition to the aggravating noise of the cover, there is very little padding on the bottom and it probably wasn't comfortable enough for sleeping.  I thought about placing it on a bed to increase the comfort, but didn't feel that the sides were sturdy enough to prevent her from rolling out and ending up on the floor.  Beyond that, its small size was also a problem.  Both of my children slept with their arms flung out to the side and the 19" width just wasn't enough to accommodate this typical infant sleeping pose.

The bed itself is small with little padding. 
Its best use would probably be for keeping newborns off the floor when visiting friends or a glorified diaper changing pad.  On a scale from 1 to 10, I would rank the Eddie Bauer Infant Travel Bed a 2.  One point for portability, one point for easy assembly.  Other than that, it was expensive ballast for my suitcase.  I much prefer to take more than one pair of shoes.      


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fun for Kids on California's Central Coast: Pismo Monarch Butterfly Grove

Anyone with a love of the outdoors will find California's Central Coast an exciting playground with a new nature adventure around every bend.  Pismo Monarch Butterfly Grove is a seasonal favorite of ours.

The easy trail around the grove is fun for kids.
From late October to February, Pismo State Beach eucalyptus and pine trees serve as roosting sites for thousands of Monarch Butterflies seeking shelter from the freezing temperatures of northern winters.  During this time frame, volunteers and docents at the grove provide daily talks at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. and set up spotting scopes for easy viewing.  There is also a trailer where brochures, books, and butterfly trinkets are available.  The kids love the My Oh My - A Butterfly Cat in the Hat book we purchased there.

The star of the show! 
It is easy for families to have a blast at the grove because it is a "jungle" adventure (dirt path + trees -  thanks Dora and Diego!), butterflies are everywhere and easy to spot and the docents make it kid-friendly with child level spotting scopes.  My son feels like a real animal rescuer when he gets to use the tools of the trade!  Beyond that , it is located right off State Highway 1, with free entry and parking and is a great way to expose your children to science in a hands-on, entertaining fashion.  For adults, the chance to see these amazing beauties fluttering about in huge numbers is worth the visit.

And when you have had your fill of butterflies, there is no better place for a walk on the beach than Pismo!            

Educational displays explain the life cycle and
migration of the Monarchs.
Using the spotting scopes is a highlight
for my son.  

Friday, July 8, 2011

Fun for Kids on California's Central Coast: Avila Valley Barn

Shopping at the Avila Barn
is always a pleasure.
Since we visit the Central Coast throughout the year, it can be hit or miss for sunny, beach weather.  So it is nice to know that there are so many other things to do to keep the kids entertained.  One way we like to spend the day is at the Avila Valley Barn near San Luis Obispo.

The Avila Valley Barn is a great place for families to learn where their food comes from, get close to nature and get some fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables.  It is open from May to December with hours and activities varying accordingly and special holiday events like the hay maze, pumpkin patch and Christmas tree lot.  

The petting zoo is popular
with both adults and children. 
When we visited in May, our kids really enjoyed the hayrack ride, but we didn’t have much success with picking anything because they decided it was too hot!  So we headed back up to the barn where they had a ball at the petting zoo.  My daughter is a huge fan of ducks and chickens and my son thought the goats and miniature horses were a hoot.  Plus there was plenty of shade and benches for random milk and juice breaks.   

I personally love the farm stand and bakery. Their signature ollalaberries are available in May and June, which are a favorite of mine.  They also grow peaches, nectarines, apples, pumpkins, apricots, corn, onions, beans, summer squash and tomatoes.  The gift shop is a treasure trove of gourmet food items, cookware, fruit spreads and baking mixes and their unique gifts and toys are fun make finding the perfect gift a pleasure.       

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fun for Kids on California's Central Coast: Oso Flaco Lake

Walking on the boardwalk at Oso Flaco Lake
Since my parents live on the Central Coast of California, we spend a lot of time there.  We are constantly looking for fun, child-friendly things to do, that don't entail much time in the car.  We have found a number of great places near my parents' hometown that we all love to visit.

One particular favorite is Oso Flaco Lake Natural Area.  It is located just north of Guadalupe, west of Highway 1 on Oso Flaco Lake Road and seems like land lost in time.  Each time we have visited, we feel like we are the only people in the world.
Stopping to smell the flowers!    
It is a great spot for birding, hiking with little kids, and watching the waves.  The trail begins along a wooded path past the white gate in the parking lot.  We have spotted muskrat nests along the path as well as hummingbirds and woodpeckers.  At the end of the dirt path, there is a boardwalk over the lake. Numerous water birds are easy to spot from this location and we often see raccoons as well.  

Interpretive signs along the boardwalk
provide information  about the preserve.
After crossing the boardwalk, the trail enters the dunes area and heads toward the beach.  There are restrooms here - convenient for hikers with little kids.  There are also interpretive signs, some of which need to be revamped, but the one of California Least Terns is intact and provides information about the plight of birds that nest in the preserve area and remind visitors to walk with care.  At the end of the trail is a viewing platform that is a great place to catch beautiful views that encompass Point San Luis to Mussel Rock on clear days.  

The kids enjoy the wildflowers in the dunes area and are always excited to watch the waves at the beach - and somehow always manage to get wet!