Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Travel with Kids Product Review: Munchkin® Formula Dispenser

One Thanksgiving as I was struggling to dig the scoop out of a canister of baby formula, my cousin casually mentioned that I needed a formula dispenser.  Having no idea what she meant, I just gave her a puzzled look and continued my excavation attempt.  A moment later, she produced a formula dispenser and kindly offered to let me keep it.

My current "formula" dispenser.
I was immediately hooked.  I am sure most parents probably discover things like this immediately upon registering for baby gifts, but I somehow missed this particular treasure in the feeding section.   It soon became as essential to our daily trips and extended travel as the diaper bag.  It solved my dilemma on whether to make the formula before we left the house or drag along a canister on daily trips and also allowed me to reduce loss of formula due to bottle leaks and powder explosions.

When my son turned one and quit drinking formula, it continued to keep its usefulness by holding powdered milk for those times when we were on a plane that didn't have milk (yes - it happened).  Even now, I use it to hold powdered milk and chocolate milk mix just in case.  It has served its purpose at restaurants that only have regular milk and also keeps my son from drinking that 1-inch layer of syrup that seems to come with chocolate milk that they do serve.  We just order regular milk and I mix it myself with my stash of powder.

There are many brands of formula dispensers and they all work and function similarly.  We use the Munchkin Powdered Formula Dispenser and have been happy with it.  Their latest version is even BPA free.  On a scale from 1 to 10, I would rank this product as a 10 for usefulness for travel and versatility.  

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