Friday, June 24, 2011

Birding by Accident

Carib Grackle

Okay, I know what you are thinking. . . "birdwatching is something my grandma does".  But I am fascinated by the variety of birds that exist around the world.  As a biology major, it is funny that I never took one bird class the entire time I was in college, but now I wish I had.

A bananaquit hiding in the tree.
I own bird books from most states and countries I have visited and I have also managed to keep lists of what I saw and was able to identify.  That being said, I am horrible at it.  I always forget my binoculars, I never get up early, and my kids and I probably scare away most potential subjects while we tromp through whatever natural habitat we encounter, crying and shrieking.  (The kids - not me.  At least, not usually me.)

Lesser Antillean Bullfinch
On our recent trip to St. Lucia, I had once again forgotten my binoculars, but found that our new camera was a good substitute.  So one afternoon while my daughter was napping, my son and I watched birds from our hotel balcony. 

Mostly we saw doves and grackles, but we also spotted some hummingbirds, bananaquits, and bullfinches.  And a bullfinch even snuck into our room, opened a sugar packet and decorated the floor with it, much to my son’s delight.  For me, despite its limitations, it was fun sharing my hobby with my son.

Antillean Crested Hummingbird
We have also gone birding at some fun, kid-friendly sites in California.  Check out the following articles Bird Watching on California's Central Coast: Nojoqui Falls and Birdwatching on California's Central Coast: Oso Flaco Lake.     

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