Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tour of Texas with Kids: Bayou Wildlife Park

Earlier this summer, the kids and I spent an enjoyable morning at Bayou Wildlife Park in Alvin, Texas with a group from our Moms Club.  The fun here centers around a tram ride, which winds through the 80-acre park, allowing visitors an up close view of the menagerie that the owner has collected over the years. Brave children (and their parents) can feed ostriches, camels, deer and a variety of other species with buckets of food provided by staff, while the guide provides an interesting narration about the park and its inhabitants.  
Hold on tight to that bucket!

In addition to the tram, there is a petting zoo (mostly pigs and goats) and pony rides, as well as free-roaming deer that the children can interact with while waiting their turn for the tram.  There are several picnic benches under an awning for picnics although you must bring your own lunch and snacks and there are only two, single stall bathrooms, one for women, one for men.  Beyond that, there are a few enclosures near the picnic area with other animals to watch and a Stand-In/Cut Out mural for some fun photo opportunities.              

The kids love to interact
with the animals.
Prices are steep for individuals and small groups at $18 for adults and $9 for children ages 2 through 11, but if you can find 15 people to go with you, the group rates are stellar at $6 per person (plus tax) for visitors ages 1 and up, reservation required.  Either way, be sure to call ahead to find out how many groups are visiting that day since lines for park entry and the tram can get long and parking is limited.  The park is open year-round, so it is best to visit when the weather is a little more tolerable (October through May) so the heat and dust doesn't drive you out of the park before you have had your fill.  

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