Thursday, September 15, 2011

Travel Toys We Love: Savvi Magic Paint Posters

Savvi Magic Paint Posters
cover an array of topics.  
Traveling with kids requires a certain amount of flexibility, creativity and patience – and an awesome set of toys and games to entertain the children along the way. It isn’t always easy to find a great assortment of items that meet the special circumstances that are inherent in travel, so we have compiled a list of items that our children (and we parents) love to take with us on our adventures.

Our latest find is Savvi’s Magic Paint Posters.  These posters come in packets of twelve in an assortment of topics that appeal to both boys and girls including bugs, pirates, furry friends, and butterflies as well as some holiday themes.  I found our original set at Dollar Tree, but this week at Michaels the booklets are only 50 cents each, so if you have a trip planned for Thanksgiving or Christmas, now is the time to start gathering the entertainment goods! (Note:  These are listed on Amazon for around $3 - so the Micahels deal is a pretty good one!)   

Each picture comes with six watercolor paint squares at the bottom of the page, which Savvi refers to as the “magic paint palette”.  Children just tear out the picture they want to paint, dip a cotton swab in water and they are set to go.  We used these on our last flight to California and they were very convenient to use.    

A Savvi Magic Paint Poster page
showing the "magic paint palette.
I took a handful of cotton swabs, two bottle caps, and the booklets in my carry-on bag.  (If you are traveling by car, it might be easier to use small cups in cup holders.) When the kids needed something to do, I just pulled out the booklets, let them choose a picture, filled the bottle caps with water and let the fun begin.  Our watercolor mantra is “water, paint, picture”, which helps remind the kids to clean the cotton swab before choosing the next color so colors don’t blend into something they don’t want.  Plus, I had enough cotton swabs to allow them to get a new one, if needed. 

The posters are about 6.5” by 8.5” and are lightweight, so they are easy to throw into a bag.  The other supplies (cotton swabs and bottle caps) are lightweight, expendable and easily replaceable so if they get lost it is no big deal - important characteristics when choosing toys for travel. 


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