Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Random Things We Can't Travel Without: Oral Dosing Syringe

Okay - I know!  What a weird thing to include on a packing list!  But aside from the standard uses, an oral dosing syringe can be an invaluable tool on a flight.
Anyone with an infant can relate to the fact that giving medicine to a squirming, crying, sick baby is not fun and can often result in a lot of spilled medicine.  Our pharmacist tended to give us the calibrated oral medicine droppers with any liquid medicine my children had to take. 
Our infant ear protector - an oral dosing syringe! 
As a nervous mother, who really didn't want to make a mess or lose any medicine, the droppers were just a disaster waiting to happen.  I can't count the number of times I squirted too early or too late and spilled medicine everywhere!  At one point I was so frustrated, I asked for another option and the pharmacist suggested a calibrated medicine spoon, but the open end was just as problematic as the bulb on the dropper.  So I just said no.  Then they offered me a oral dosing syringe!  The stress in my life (at the time) just seemed to melt away and administering medication was never a problem again.  Of course, anytime we went on a trip, I made sure to pack the acetominephen and ibuprofen drops, along with one of the oral dosing syringes, which I kept in my carry-on bag.
Neither of my children were pacifier users, and for the most part, they both wanted to eat 24 hours a day.  But somehow, each time we began our descent on a flight, neither one of them would have anything to do with drinking from a bottle.  Maybe they were too excited to lay down and miss any of the action, I don't really know.
But it worried me - A LOT - because I just knew their ears were not clearing as we descended back toward Earth!  So, as a frantic attempt to make them swallow, I took the syringe and filled it with water or formula and gave them little sips every few minutes.  Luckily it worked like a charm because they could sit up and people-watch, and I knew they were swallowing regularly.
Now that they are older, the syringe is still part of the packing list, but now it is relegated to its planned purpose.  Now gum is their ear popper of choice.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Travel Toys We Love: Foam Puzzles

Travel toys keep kids entertained
on a flight, but need to be exciting
 enough to work at the hotel too. 
 Traveling with kids means finding travel-friendly toys to keep the transit boredom at bay. But keeping children entertained on long trips can be challenging, even with toys and games purported to be especially for travel.  When we have a family trip planned, I make a special effort to create a travel-pack of reasonably priced toys and activities that will keep the kids happy while we are on the go.  While I am shopping, I keep in mind that the items I choose need to work not only for the plane or car ride, but also need to be exciting enough to keep the kids happy at the hotel.

These dollar store foam puzzles
are great travel toys.   
Small foam puzzles are a great option.  They are decorated with a number of popular characters including those from Disney Cars and Toy Story and the Disney Princesses.  I have also seen Winnie-the-Pooh, Mickey Mouse, and Tinkerbell.  They are light-weight, and can be easily disassembled to fit in any suitcase or carry-on.  Plus they are widely available at dollar stores, toy stores and variety stores.

The great thing about these foam puzzles is their versatility.  The characters are fun, the puzzles are easy to do, each piece is numbered so the kids can work on counting skills, and they can be put together in different shapes.  The flat puzzle is the obvious form, but kids can create cubes that can be used like houses for dolls or garages for cars.  The cubes can be stacked like blocks or tossed back and forth like a ball.  We have created bridges and roads for toy cars and magic paths for the kids to walk along.  The possibilities are endless - and so is the entertainment.  Just the ticket for a pleasant family trip.     


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fun for Kids on California's Central Coast: Nojoqui Falls Park

Nojoqui Falls Park is a good location for
young kids to get outside and into nature.

Nojoqui Falls Park, located near Buellton on California's central coast, features a kid-friendly hike to a delightful waterfall.  My family visited on Mother's Day and we were pleasantly surprised to be one of only a few families visiting the park that day, despite the gorgeous weather.  The kids (ages 3 and 1) had a ball ambling up the easy, quarter-mile, path leading up to the waterfall, although my daughter needed some help ascending the stairs we encountered along the way.  My son felt like quite the explorer, finding interesting rocks, leaves and sticks on the banks of the small creek flowing from the falls.

Although we didn't take advantage of it, the picnic area is shaded by large oak trees and is near the ball fields and play structures making it a wonderful spot for lunch with the kids.  There are barbecue grills available and restrooms nearby.  Next time we will be sure to bring a small bottle of wine from one of the great local wineries and a picnic lunch from Nielsen's Market that we can enjoy while the kids burn some energy exploring this part of the park.    

Although the falls can be just a trickle during
dry spells, the hike is still great fun for kids.
The park is also a well-known birding site locally and even casual observers will spot the Acorn Woodpecker granaries in the oaks near the picnic tables.  Some other interesting avian inhabitants include Purple Martins, Yellow-billed Magpies, and Spotted Towhees. 

The peaceful setting and lush vegetation make this park seem like it is miles from civilization, making a perfect counterpoint to the bustling kitsch of Solvang.  Nojoqui Falls Park is open from 8 a.m. to sunset and entry and parking are free.   


Friday, August 19, 2011

Tour of Texas with Kids: Sea Center Texas

The kids get a kick out of the
animals in the touch tank. 
If you are traveling with kids near Lake Jackson, or don't mind a bit of a drive from Houston, an intriguing place to visit is Sea Center Texas.  The facility is a free nature center, marine aquarium and fish hatchery operated by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department that really is worth the drive.  When we visit with our Moms Club, we get a special story time in addition to the touch tanks and aquariums, providing the kids with some great entertainment for the day.  For families visiting on their own, there are scheduled story times every Saturday at 10:30 a.m. and the third Friday of the month at 10 a.m. 
On our recent trip, staff read A House for Hermit Crab by Eric Carle and we immediately went to the touch tanks following the story, allowing the kids to make the connection between the real hermit crabs in the tank and the one in the story.  It was also timely because our visit occurred in August right before school started, and the message in the story is that trying something for the first time can be scary, but it gets easier each time. A great reminder for those kids just starting school or even changing grades. The Sea Center has aquariums dedicated to the aquatic ecosystems of Texas including salt marsh, jetty, reef and open Gulf.  My favorite part of the tour is completing the Visitor Center Scavenger Hunt, which gives the kids something specific to look for and a series of questions to answer so they don't just whiz by the tanks and miss something interesting.  If possible, plan your trip around feeding time on Wednesdays or Fridays at 10:30, since watching the frenzy is popular with the kids.  (If you make it on the third Friday of the month, you can catch story time and the feeding.)   

Watching the frenzy at feeding
time is fascinating to see.  
Another great feature of Sea Center Texas is its outdoor Wetlands Walkway.  It reminds me of the boardwalk on Oso Flaco Lake in central California.  And, of course, I showed up without binoculars or a bird book for another day of birding by accident, but they have a great checklist of birds, butterflies, damselflies, dragonflies, reptiles and amphibians and they also have binoculars for visitors to use!  Another plus is the Wetlands Exhibit Scavenger Hunt, which can keep the kids occupied while adults add to their bird list or learn how to attract their favorites in the Demonstration Garden. 

Sea Center Texas is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday.  They are closed Mondays and most major holidays.  Special events are scheduled throughout the year, so be sure to check their calendar for information.    

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Travel Toys We Love: Modeling Dough

A nice set of modeling dough
found at Barnes & Noble.  
When traveling with children, taking the time to find fun travel toys and games can mean the difference between a relaxing journey or an endless one.  But keeping kids entertained on long trips can be challenging even with toys and games purported to be especially for travel.  Small pieces that slip between seat cushions or magnets that aren't strong enough to hold pieces in place during turbulence in the air or when hitting bumps in the car can bring on a temper tantrum.  So each time we have a trip planned, I take a tour of our local dollar store looking for travel-friendly items that the kids will enjoy.

Modeling dough comes in a rainbow
of colors that spark the imagination.

I have found a number of great options that work for long trips, no matter what mode of travel is involved, most of which aren't explicitly made with travel in mind.  My most recent find was Faber-Castell Modeling Dough, although many other types have seemingly sprung up everywhere recently.  I have tried taking the mini tubs of Play-doh that my children get in treat bags from school and birthday parties, but the colors just mix together causing the kids a lot of frustration.  The modeling dough, on the other hand, is meant for creating multi-colored items that can be disassembled and used again and again or dried and painted.

On this particular trip, I created some puppies for my kids, taking special care to choose colors that were favorites of each child.  To my amazement, these less than realistic animals captivated my kids and kept them busy long enough that I could actually do the crossword  puzzle in the airline magazine.  My creations were rather delicate and had to be repaired a few times, but they played happily for at least 45 minutes.  I knew I had hit the jackpot when the next question was whether or not I would make them each another puppy and not, "Are we there yet?"
This puppy kept my child's attention
for at least 45 minutes of our flight. 
Rudimentary clay animals are quick
and easy to make.  

Friday, August 12, 2011

Fun for Kids on California's Central Coast: Santa Maria Valley Discovery Museum

The Santa Maria Valley Discovery Museum in Santa Maria is a small, interactive play place for children ages 2 to 8.  Exhibits include the Mission to Mars Climbing Wall, Pets & Vets discovery area, the Pirate Ship, Tar Pits, Barnyard, Shark Tank and Discovery Cove, among others.  Children get hands-on experiences that teach them about marine life, birds, insects and reptiles as well as information about storm water pollution prevention, gardening and pet care.
Digging for treasure near the pirate ship! 

My family spent about two hours exploring the museum, with lots of time spent digging in the "sand" (recycled plastic pieces) near the Pirate Ship, checking out the Shark Tank and jumping on the giant piano keys.  My son loved the opportunity to sit in the driver's seat of the tractor and USS Discovery and he really enjoyed the lesson on bird poop aboard this boat.  Both of my kids were fascinated by the reptiles on display and we managed to catch part of a presentation for a school group about snakes.    
Insects are big fun at the Discovery Museum. 
The museum is open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. with special hours on Thursday (until 7 p.m.) and the last Sunday of the month (12 noon to 4 p.m.).  Admission prices are $8 per person with children under 2 getting in free, but discount coupons can occasionally be found in the free weekly entertainment guide New Times, which is distributed on Thursdays to local hotels, motels and retail storesas well as in the area's daily newspaper Santa Maria Times.  We had discount coupons for our visit, which allowed a parent in free with a paid child admission, allowing four of us to get in for $16 which was a reasonable price for the entertainment value of the museum.  


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tour of Texas with Kids: Bayou Wildlife Park

Earlier this summer, the kids and I spent an enjoyable morning at Bayou Wildlife Park in Alvin, Texas with a group from our Moms Club.  The fun here centers around a tram ride, which winds through the 80-acre park, allowing visitors an up close view of the menagerie that the owner has collected over the years. Brave children (and their parents) can feed ostriches, camels, deer and a variety of other species with buckets of food provided by staff, while the guide provides an interesting narration about the park and its inhabitants.  
Hold on tight to that bucket!

In addition to the tram, there is a petting zoo (mostly pigs and goats) and pony rides, as well as free-roaming deer that the children can interact with while waiting their turn for the tram.  There are several picnic benches under an awning for picnics although you must bring your own lunch and snacks and there are only two, single stall bathrooms, one for women, one for men.  Beyond that, there are a few enclosures near the picnic area with other animals to watch and a Stand-In/Cut Out mural for some fun photo opportunities.              

The kids love to interact
with the animals.
Prices are steep for individuals and small groups at $18 for adults and $9 for children ages 2 through 11, but if you can find 15 people to go with you, the group rates are stellar at $6 per person (plus tax) for visitors ages 1 and up, reservation required.  Either way, be sure to call ahead to find out how many groups are visiting that day since lines for park entry and the tram can get long and parking is limited.  The park is open year-round, so it is best to visit when the weather is a little more tolerable (October through May) so the heat and dust doesn't drive you out of the park before you have had your fill.  

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Houston's Drought - Saving Water at Home

In my past life on California’s Central Coast, drought was a constant specter on the horizon.  Our daily habits revolved around conserving water in small ways, and major purchases always took water efficiency into account.  Even today, when we visit my friends and family back there, we easily transition into wise water use mode.  We are also very careful to behave similarly in places that we visit that have water supply issues. 

Since Houston’s average annual rainfall is about 51” (compared to 18” in Santa Barbara), and drenching rain rather than drought is typical, we tend to be a little more lax here at home. However, with Houston’s drought predicted to continue until September and cities asking for volunteer rationing, we have reverted to our California lifestyle in an effort to do our part to preserve local water supplies.

Food coloring can help
detect toilet leaks.
The kids have had a great time looking for ways we could save water around the house and they enjoy coming up with new schemes for reusing water when they can.  Their current favorite is to take a bath and then use the water for our indoor and outdoor plants.  And our floors are cleaner than ever, since I get to mop each time we practice this particular water saving activity.  

Here are some of our other favorite water saving tips for at home and around the globe:
  • Reduce the amount of time you spend in the shower.
  • Check your toilet for leaks.  (Put a few drops of food coloring or toilet tablets in the tank and wait for 15 minutes. If the water in the bowl changes color, then you have a leak) 
  • Turn off the water while brushing your teeth.
  • Reuse bath and beach towels to reduce the need for laundry.
  • Reusing towels at home and in
    hotels helps conserve water.
  • Keep a bucket or plastic tub in sinks, the tub and shower to reuse the water that runs through the faucet while you are waiting for hot water.  
For a full list of water-saving tips, visit Water Saver Home

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tour of Texas with Kids: Palm Beach at Moody Gardens

Hanging in the toddler area.
For Summer 2011, we purchased season passes for Moody Gardens in Galveston for my son and I with my daughter getting in free through the "Under 3 Free" admission policy.  Our season passes include access to Palm Beach Water Park, which has been a heavenly place to visit this summer because of the drought conditions and extreme heat of the Houston area.

The splash pad helps to beat the heat. 
The kids enjoy every aspect of the park, except that they can't go on the biggest slide until they are 54" tall.   Beyond that, they stay entertained, since it is specifically suited to very young children.  There is a toddler play area with a splash pad, two small water slides, and a dumping bucket, with attached water guns for a fun way to douse friends and family.  We always manage to find lounge chairs and umbrellas near this area so the kids can play in the water, then take a break and play in the sand.  The rest of the park consists of the Tower Slide, a small wave pool with jet ski statues to sit on and a Lazy River.

Love that Florida sand. 
Palm Beach is open June 4th through August 21st, August 27th and 28th and September 3rd - 5th from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.  Admission prices are $18.95 for adults, $15.95 for children, and free for children under 3.  Inside the park, visitors can rent cabanas, lockers, and purchase snacks and lunch at the concession stand or from the ice cream vendor.  Life jackets and tubes are free and visitors may bring one water bottle per person (not in a cooler) into the park.  

Trip Tip:  If season passes aren't an option, most area McDonald's have a $2 off admission coupon for Palm Beach and coolers are allowed  as long as they are left just outside the entry gate.  Again, this park is best for families with small children or those who want to get wet, but may be afraid of the water.  Nearby Schlitterbahn is better for older children or younger ones that are confident swimmers.